Top 7 Herbs And Spices for Weight Loss

Top 7 Herbs And Spices for Weight Loss

A proper diet is all a person needs to lose weight. By simply cutting down on certain foods and adding others to your diet, you can lose a significant amount of weight without doing anything else. Herbs and spices are known to help with weight loss. The following are the top 7 herbs and spices for weight loss.
1. Cayenne Pepper
This is a type of hot pepper containing certain compounds which are known to increase metabolism and improve your body’s ability to burn fat. Adding cayenne pepper to each of your meals can make your body burn fat at a faster rate.
2. Cinnamon
Cinnamon can help you control your insulin and blood sugar levels. Adding it to your diet can protect you from diabetes and hunger pangs. Consider sprinkling some cinnamon to your breakfast cereal every morning.
3. Ginger
Weight gain has a lot to do with what you eat when get cravings and hunger pangs. Ginger helps to cut cravings by reducing your appetite.
4. Peppermint
A recent study revealed that the smell of peppermint can reduce appetite. During the study, the test subjects were given peppermint to smell before eating while the control group ate normally. After a week, it was found that each of the test subjects had eaten 1,800 fewer calories compared to the control group.
5. Green Tea
In addition to reducing the risk of developing cancer and diabetes, green tea is a known metabolism booster. Drinking green tea after every meal can make your body burn more fat faster.
6. Coriander
Coriander is a common ingredient in Indian cuisine. It is known to boost metabolic function. As a result, it can help fast-track weight loss.
7. Cumin
When mixed with other spices and herbs, cumin can improve weight loss. Be sure to include it in your diet plan.

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