Gal Gadot wouldn’t have been director Patty Jenkins’ first choice, but after meeting her, she knew that no one else could have ever played the role. Wonder Woman has become a phenomenon over the past few weeks, smashing the opening-weekend box office record for a film directed by woman by over $20 million domestically and much more worldwide.
To ‘become’ Wonder Woman, Gal had to get a body to fit the part and rather than rely on CGI and camera trickery, Gal wanted to get in the best shape of her life and fully commit to the superhero role.
Portraying a superhero, kicking ass and staying fit for months of gruelling shoots led Gal down a fitness path that helped transform her body. Adding an additional 14 pounds of muscle to her 5’10” frame and getting stronger, leaner and fitter than she has ever been before.
As well as being a break out action star, Gal actually served two years as a solider in the Israeli Defence Forces, working as a combat instructor. It was her experience and military service that Gal believes helped her land her first, crucial roles in Hollywood.
Aside from being an all round badass, Gal is also a mother to two daughters and wants to pass her healthy eating philosophies on to them from an early age.
“I want to know that what she [her 5-year-old daughter Alma] feeds her body does her good. We make smoothies in the morning with parsley, celery, green apples and ginger – basically, we throw in whatever we have.”
Starting off her day, with eggs, fruit and coffee, Gal knows to bulk up for a super human role, it’s important to get in meals with lots of lean meat and vegetables throughout the day and tries to keep this simple by sticking to certain requirements.
“I eat a lot of fish and chicken, and I make sure that around 30-40% of our family diet is made of cooked or raw vegetables.”
Any snacks Woman Woman feels like having between meals, are focused on vegetables (and fruit) such as celery, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, or for a quick and super healthy snack, avocado toast!
But Gal admits that a big part of getting a ‘perfect‘ body, isn’t about eating perfect all the time and sometimes an earned (or cheat) meal is important to keep her on track the rest of the time with her diet.
“I’m a foodie and I love to experience food, but at the same time I look at food as fuel and I want to give the best to my body. I don’t restrict myself, I can eat everything. It’s all a matter of measurements and quantity of the food. Just give the food the respect and give yourself the respect to enjoy it.”
Eating a meal that you truly love can be good for your mental health and leave you motivated for the rest of your diet, rather than feeling deprived.
“I try to eat healthy. But sometimes though, I eat cheeseburgers. That’s good for the soul. I make sure to balance everything out. I drink tons of water.”
Gal, a former fashion model and beauty pageant winner had to add an additional 14 pounds of muscle to her frame to help sell the role of being a real super hero. She wants to set a positive body image for the millions of young women that will watch the film.
Here is an example of a typical day of eating for Gal Gadot and her best tips to getting that action hero physique.
Gal Gadot’s Diet
Breakfast: Eggs, Fruit, Coffee.
Morning Snack: Protein & Fruit Smoothie.
Lunch: Fish With Garlic, Lemon & Thyme & Vegetables.
Dinner: Chicken, Chickpea Cakes & Vegetables.
Snacks Through The Day: Bell Peppers, Celery, Cherry tomatoes, Fruit, Avocado Toast.
Drinks: A Gallon Of Water Each Day.
Morning Snack: Protein & Fruit Smoothie.
Lunch: Fish With Garlic, Lemon & Thyme & Vegetables.
Dinner: Chicken, Chickpea Cakes & Vegetables.
Snacks Through The Day: Bell Peppers, Celery, Cherry tomatoes, Fruit, Avocado Toast.
Drinks: A Gallon Of Water Each Day.
Principles: Don’t restrict yourself but learn portion control. Her trainer recommends a 50/50 mix on her plate of lean meats and green vegetables. 30-40% of whole diet is raw or uncooked vegetables. Make sure you are well hydrated.
Cheat Meals: Pasta, Ice Cream And Cheeseburgers.
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Gal Gadot’s Best Dieting Tips
Drink A Gallon Of Water A Day
Gal told E! that she “drinks tons of water” each day. Her trainers echo this sentiment as staying hydrated keeps Gal performing at her best, helps suppress cravings and keeps her energised for her workouts and her shooting schedule.
Get Your Vegetables In! At Least 30-40%
“I make sure that around 30-40% of our family diet is made of cooked or raw vegetables.” Gadot stacks her plate with fresh vegetables and fills the rest with lean proteins and quality carbs. When it comes to dieting, focus on vegetables first!
Snack Smarter
To help nail that 30-40% number, she give vegetables top priority when it comes to snacking. Any cravings the fast and the furious star has, she consumes fresh vegetables like bell peppers, celery, and cherry tomatoes.
50/50 Lean Proteins & Green Vegetables
Gal’s training has been quoted as saying, “Poor nutrition and inadequate sleep reduce the effectiveness of training by 20 to 30 percent.” That’s why he suggest going half and half on the plate with lean meats, such a fish and chicken and fresh, vibrant, green vegetables to get all the vitamins and minerals necessary to stay healthy with such an active (and hectic!) schedule.
Don’t Deprive Yourself Of Foods You Love
“I’m a foodie and I love to experience food, but at the same time I look at food as fueland I want to give the best to my body. I don’t restrict myself; I can eat everything. It’s all a matter of measurements and quantity of the food.” By enjoying foods you love, it gives you a mental break from a strict diet and gives you the motivation to continue on with your diet plan. Also, when you train as hard as Gal does, a Cheeseburger or bowl of pasta every few days is going to get burned off fast.
Put Your Diet To Work By Training In Different Ways
Gadot isn’t just a pretty face, she had to eat right and get seriously fit for this role. She put all her healthy nutrition to good use by killing it in the gym. To get in the best shape of her life, she incorporated many different workouts including boxing, martial arts, cardio intervals, rowing machines and resistance training such as squats, pull ups and medicine ball throws.
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