Cardio or Weights to Burn Fat? It May Not Be What You Think

Cardio or Weights to Burn Fat? It May Not Be What You Think

Cardio or weights to burn fat? Conventional wisdom says to eschew hoisting the iron to maximize fat loss, but could conventional wisdom be wrong? Stop arguing with your friends and grab a read.

Cardio or weights to burn fat if you’re going to do only one? That is the question. I’ve come down on the side of weights here at BFL, on the theory that you need muscle to do the actual burning. After all, it’s your metabolic fires that actually melt away your extra fat, and what keeps that metabolism going? Why, muscle, of course! How do you pack on more of the meaty stuff? High intensity weight training sessions.

I’ve posted on that subject several times over the last few years, and I’m not alone in my fondness for iron. Of course, a balanced program of high intensity weight training, and high intensity interval cardio training is the best for overall fitness. Fitness isn’t all about body fat levels. Supplying enough O2 to your muscles is mighty important, too, and you’ll need some effective cardio training to facilitate that.

The Fat Burning Time Waster

If you’re trying to burn off fat though, cardio is a waste of time. It works, it just takes too long. So, back to the iron. Not only will you burn fat, you’ll look better when you’ve burned it, thanks to the lean, hard muscle you’ve packed on under it during the training process.
It’s pretty simple, really. Do you want to burn off fat mainly during the 30-60 minutes you’re actually exercising, or the day’s other 23 hours? Building more muscle through weight / resistance training elevates your basal metabolic rate such that you burn more calories all day long, no matter your actual activity level.

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